Jen and Jeremy's 2010 in Pictures
We have determined with some certainty that if I didn't record our activities in photographs, we would have no recollection of what we've done this year. It was a busy year, but a good and busy year. Please enjoy some of our photographs from 2010.
one of the many rewards for waking early to go skiing: january sunrise from the driveway
another reward: the empty runs of weekday skiing (Breckenridge)

Sangre de Cristos and Great Sand Dunes National Park at sunset from the San Luis Valley in early March

sandhill cranes in flight (San Luis Valley, Colorado)
squaring off (San Luis Valley, Colorado)
Manisha says I'm always knee deep in something... (Zion National Park, Utah in late March, photos by Jeremy)
tiny waterfall on sandstone (Zion National Park, Utah)
desert gold carpets the valley floor in April (Death Valley National Park, California)
sunlit California poppies (lying among the rattlesnakes in Antelope Valley, California)

a May morning fog in the valley (Yosemite National Park, California)
late evening mammata in early summer (Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado)
Kitt's bridal shoot

food photographers never stop (Anita, Diane, and Todd after we held a food photography workshop in Boulder)

snow is welcome anytime, even in late June
elephant head and Indian paintbrush (July in Crested Butte, Colorado)

fern understory (Crested Butte, Colorado)

spending the night on the deck to shoot the Perseids (our galaxy, the Milky Way)
August backpack with Nicole (Wenatchee National Forest, Washington)
summer sunsets at home
Jeremy discusses water in the universe to an audience of 1,400+ at TEDx Boulder

Andrew and Nicole's beach wedding in September (Seattle, Washington)
come October, the hills were ablaze with golden colors (southwest of Telluride, Colorado)

aspen stands serve as nurseries for pines (San Juan National Forest, Colorado)

token "we were here" shot (San Juan National Forest, Colorado)

October food coma at Tartine Bakery after a conference (San Francisco, California)

toasting Dad's 70th birthday in wine country (Healdsburg, California)
on a visit to Pasadena in November: light exhibit at the Huntington Library (San Marino, California)
November weather during my private workshop with photographer Michael Frye: El Capitan enshrouded in clouds (Yosemite National Park, California)
late day sun in the valley (Yosemite National Park, California)
December brings winter light (Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado)
...and snow
Wishing you the very best that the coming year has to offer!
with love,
Jen, Jeremy, and Kaweah