noshing on

2 comments to “noshing on”

  1. Cynthia G. says:

    Yours was beautiful (cake). There was a great looking one at that was done in blue. I will be doing my first challenge this month. agggh. I am going to invite a photographer friend over and I am going to show him your food blog, and this one, and then make him help me get the lighting right. I am amazed at your photography. Just one question… do you tilt your table/dishes?

    PS. I come from many generations of Coloradoans and am one myself.. go Broncos

  2. jenyu says:

    Cynthia – Hmmm, I don’t know what you mean by tilt? Most things in my house remain level while I usually get my perspectives by manipulating my tripod :) It’s much easier that way! Thanks for dropping by.