dinner out

6 comments to “dinner out”

  1. Cynthia says:

    I know it is nice to eat out, but dont’ you come away thinking,,,, I could have done better than that? I know It is rare for me to find a place that can “out do” my own cooking, and ambiance. Sometimes I just think I am paying for the stuffiness of the restaurant and not for the rockin’ cusine. But, that’s just me. Oh and when they announced the new D.B. Challenge, I may have mentioned that you would be a good resource for high altitude adjustments…………

  2. jenyu says:

    Cynthia – not this time! One of the things we are really fortunate to have in Boulder is a plethora of fantastic restaurants. I have to say these guys really make amazing food. Hmmm, I’m comfortable enough to mess with high altitude adjustments for myself, but I can’t advise others much unless they live right next door to me (same elevation, same humidity). It’s quite a testy thing sometimes…

  3. Cynthia says:

    Altitude—That’s cool, no one pays me any mind anyway. My comment will go unnoticed as usual. Restaurant—Jealous of your plethora…

  4. Monica H says:

    Jen, Will you please come over, I need your help!

  5. skye says:

    I’ve been lurking over here and at Use Real Butter for a while, wanted to say how much I enjoy them both. Your photography is wonderful.

  6. jenyu says:

    Skye – thanks!