podcamp boulder 2

5 comments to “podcamp boulder 2”

  1. Jeremy Tanner says:

    Thanks for coming, bringing cookies, and thanks for posting great shots!


  2. jenyu says:

    Jeremy – my pleasure. PodCamp was awesome! Thank YOU :)

  3. Steve Gallow says:

    What’s the biggest tip that you can share with us from this meeting?

  4. jenyu says:

    Steve – honestly? It’s not to leave your ISO on some oddball high ISO after shooting indoors without a flash… It really screwed up some photos I took later :(

  5. Jen's sausage and lentils — pork, knife & spoon says:

    […] is not only an incredible nature photographer (in Colorado and beyond), she is also involved in some of the most interesting conversations happening today about technology and social media, and organizes photography workshops with some of the best professional food photographers around […]