
2 comments to “livestrong”

  1. Sandra McKenzie says:

    A friend on a cooking forum just introduced me to your blog. I think I’m in love! Thank you for a delightful, inspiring read, and for your delightful, inspiring photography. Love of my life just surprised me with a brand spanking-new Cuisinart stand mixer, so I may just have to try your lemon petit fours. It’s all your fault (and his) if I gain back the 10 pounds I’ve worked so hard to lose.

    Best of luck kicing cancer’s ass. I’ll be reading faithfully, patiently waiting for more news.

    Oh, and as a freelance writer who has suffered the indignities and injustices of plagiarism (badly done at that!) and been told that I should consider it a compliment (WTF?!) I wholeheartedly support your stance on copyright, and thank you for making the issue so clear.

  2. jenyu says:

    Sandra – thanks and I’m glad you enjoy the blog!