
3 comments to “jewels”

  1. kathy says:

    Hi Jen: Just wanted to tell you how much I admire you attitude toward life. You really kick ass. I wish I had a quarter of your strength. My Dad died, and I have fallen apart. I use to be a strong person, bulldozing through whatever came my way. Unfortunately, this is kicking my butt. I have tried several times to pick myself up by my mocassins, to no avail. My heart is truly broken. I post as a means of doing something with my time; other times it’s just another flippin’ day. I read about your despairs re: the loss of your sister and battle w/breast cancer. In my darkest hour, your image comes to me and I say to myself, “do what Jen did-fight.” Somedays I win alittle, somedays I really lose. I’m not living anymore; I’m existing. I miss my Father with words I can’t express, and it seems my hunger grows stronger, and the hollow in my heart grows bigger. I don’t mean to dump on you. My genuine goal is to tell you how much I admire your strength and gusto. I’m glad I found your blog. You push me to get up and going, and for that I thank you very much!

  2. jenyu says:

    Kathy – I’m very sorry to hear about your father’s passing. I imagine there must be a very empty feeling when you lose a parent. It was difficult getting through the loss of my sister, but I can tell you that our loved ones would rather we go on living life rather than looking backwards and getting stuck in the past. Death is what makes life precious. Celebrate the memory of your loved one – you carry him with you every day. He’s a part of who you are. That’s why it hurts. But that is also why it’s so special. Sending you healing thoughts and a hug.

  3. kathy says:

    Thank you.