archive for nature

nz: day 10

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

nz day 10: starting the rakiura track

nz day 10: a flat section of the trail

nz: days 8 & 9

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

nz day 8: the forest hike to matai falls

nz day 8: like a breath mint

nz day 8: this flower was growing everywhere

nz day 9: on our way to sydney cove

nz day 9: time to paddle back

nz: days 5, 6, & 7

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

nz day 5: signature new zealand

nz day 5: manapouri is a big lake

nz day 5: iris burn hut

nz day 6: jeremy applies sunscreen

nz day 6: luxmore hut

nz day 7: drizzle falls

nz day 7: at a foggy nugget point

nz: days 3 & 4

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

nz day 3: the view from the lagoon toward the southern alps

nz day 3: lunch at the sand bar

nz day 4: jeremy crosses the blue river on a suspension bridge

nz day 4: near the blue pools

lower mcclean falls

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

New Zealand’s reputation as a stunning destination is well earned. From glaciers to beaches to podocarp forests to waterfalls, the landscape will take your breath away. This mossy waterfall was captured near McClean Falls on the South Island of New Zealand. March 2007.

If you are interested in purchasing a print please visit the pricing page.

If you would like to see other photographs by Jennifer Yu, peruse the gallery or this blog.