archive for travel

nz: days 11 & 12

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

nz day 11: the cadbury gift shop at cadbury world

nz day 11: at the end of their moulting stages

nz day 12: this was my favorite boulder

nz day 12: they’re quite large and very nicely round

nz: day 10

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

nz day 10: starting the rakiura track

nz day 10: a flat section of the trail

nz: days 8 & 9

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

nz day 8: the forest hike to matai falls

nz day 8: like a breath mint

nz day 8: this flower was growing everywhere

nz day 9: on our way to sydney cove

nz day 9: time to paddle back

nz: days 5, 6, & 7

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

nz day 5: signature new zealand

nz day 5: manapouri is a big lake

nz day 5: iris burn hut

nz day 6: jeremy applies sunscreen

nz day 6: luxmore hut

nz day 7: drizzle falls

nz day 7: at a foggy nugget point

nz: days 3 & 4

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

nz day 3: the view from the lagoon toward the southern alps

nz day 3: lunch at the sand bar

nz day 4: jeremy crosses the blue river on a suspension bridge

nz day 4: near the blue pools