science fun in -25°F

9 comments to “science fun in -25°F”

  1. Jun Belen says:

    OMG. So much fun!! Very cool!

  2. Andra@FrenchPressMemos says:

    Beautiful pictures! Cool idea too, of course- but great pics!

  3. Ruth Ann says:

    So cool. (But, I am glad that our weather here isn’t cold enough to try it.)

  4. Celia says:

    Will this work at -13 degrees? I’m down here in the tropics in Denver thinking about boiling some water!

  5. jenyu says:

    Celia – I dunno, you can certainly try it! :)

  6. pumpkin says:

    ok, boiling water here in Boulder/Lafayette to give it a whirl…

  7. Trent says:

    what is jeremy doing with no gloves on?!!

  8. diane says:

    do it with beer! or wine! but only with TJ’s two buck chuck. ;)

    great job guys! Jeremy looks so rad, having fun.

  9. Gali says:

    Definitely well caught! The beauty of nature and science put together!