shooting blooms around the butte

5 comments to “shooting blooms around the butte”

  1. hong says:

    Too beautiful for words! Every image is fresh and moving to me. How I wish I could place myself in such graceful scene.

  2. Cynthia G. says:

    Can you tell this butt what exposure you shot the waterfall at , at Butte?

  3. jenyu says:

    hong – thank you.

    Cynthia – um, I believe it was a 1 sec exposure. A little short for my taste, but I didn’t have the time to linger about for long.

  4. Holly says:

    Shots 2 and 3 are my new favs. I LOVE yellow (this bright shade)! The dramatic difference between the yellow flowers and the white trunks of the trees behind is gorgeous!

  5. jenyu says:

    Holly – really glad that you like the shots! Thanks for commenting :)