archive for food

party prep

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

crostini, avocado w/ lime, pineapple, tuna, chives, hawaiian pink sea salt

saving out the nice berries for garnish

easter my way

Monday, April 9th, 2007

kevin shows me the trambambompoline

the eggs that survived

softshell crab handrolls, spicy scallop and tuna cut roll, eel and avocado cut roll

sashimi deluxe deliciousness

mmmm ice cream

tired after a long day

in pasadena

Saturday, April 7th, 2007


squid and squidlet


pretty little yummies

the huntington desert garden is a favorite

elisabeth and carl

nz: days 11 & 12

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

nz day 11: the cadbury gift shop at cadbury world

nz day 11: at the end of their moulting stages

nz day 12: this was my favorite boulder

nz day 12: they’re quite large and very nicely round

nz: days 5, 6, & 7

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

nz day 5: signature new zealand

nz day 5: manapouri is a big lake

nz day 5: iris burn hut

nz day 6: jeremy applies sunscreen

nz day 6: luxmore hut

nz day 7: drizzle falls

nz day 7: at a foggy nugget point