2016 cutting room floor


Photos from the 2016 photo card cutting room floor.

Jeremy navigates the snow-plastered glades. (January – Eldora)

After taking Neva on a backcountry ski tour, we let her soak up the sunshine on an unseasonably warm day. This is how our dog does après ski. (February – Nederland)

Well, that snow certainly isn’t going to ski itself! Jeremy’s earned turns in our local backcountry. (May – Roosevelt National Forest)

A clearing storm as the sun drops below the horizon. (May – Nederland)

Lightning strikes during an afternoon thunderstorm (composite). (July – Nederland)

Chanterelles nestled in their mossy home. (August – undisclosed location)

While foraging for chanterelle mushrooms this summer, we encountered some lovely aspen oyster mushrooms. I found this cluster growing out of a hollow aspen stump. Delicious! (August – undisclosed location)

An overnight storm left fresh snow on The Castles high above the golden carpet of aspens in the valley. (September – Gunnison National Forest)