
Greetings from snowy Colorado! Jeremy and I sincerely hope our annual year in photos finds you and your loved ones well. 2015 marked a decade since we moved to the mountains of Colorado where life has been good and weird. We were fortunate to visit with friends and family throughout the year – but mostly we stayed close to home because we got a puppy. WE GOT A PUPPY!

We invite you to leave comments at the bottom of this post and visit previous years listed in the sidebar.

Jeremy samples the goods on a fluffy powder day. (January – Copper Mountain)

Skinning up in the high country under late afternoon shadows. (February – Roosevelt National Forest)

Jeremy and I learned to skate ski this year, because one can never get enough skiing (or suffering). (March – Crested Butte)

Earning some turns in spring mashed potatoes. (April – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

Jeremy breaks trail as the storm clears. (April – Roosevelt National Forest)

Magnificent cherry blossoms on display. (May – Boulder Canyon)

On May 23rd, we brought little Neva home to start her life as a Colorado mountain dog. We didn’t waste any time introducing her to the great things dogs get to do around here.

We got Neva on snow before it melted away. She loved it. (May – Brainard Lake)

Lounging on the lawn in Crested Butte. It’s a good puppy life. (June)

Jeremy and I had forgotten that puppies aren’t born knowing how to hike, so Neva got plenty of practice. (June – Crested Butte)

We started Neva on the baby pool in the hopes that she would take a shine to the water. No problem there. (June – Nederland)

By the following week, Neva was swimming in alpine lakes. (June – Crested Butte)

On occasion, I was able to look up from puppy training to marvel at the skies overhead. Mammata at sunset. (June – Nederland)

But mostly, summer was dedicated to discovering beautiful places with Neva. The forests sport their summer green. (June – Crested Butte)

Frolicking through alpine meadows in full bloom. (July – Gunnison National Forest)

A cool summer evening in the lupine. (July – Crested Butte)

Some sunsets are better than others. (July – Crested Butte)

Neva’s first big climb to Scarp Ridge (12,200 ft.) at 3.5 months old, and she hiked it like a boss! (July – Crested Butte)

A puppy is no reason to forsake porcini season. It was a good year for kings. (July – undisclosed location)

What’s a summer morning in the mountains without a moose sighting? (July – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

To our dismay, the first time we let Neva off leash on a hike, she made a mad dash deep into the woods chasing the scent of squirrels. To our delight, when we finally caught her, we stumbled across a patch of chanterelles. We had an amazing chanterelle season. (August – undisclosed location)

On the summit of Mount Bierstadt (14,065 ft.), Neva’s first fourteener! (August – Mount Evans Wilderness)

The running jump dive is serious business. (September – Crested Butte)

We took Neva on her first backpack to the Continental Divide and camped beneath the Milky Way. (September – James Peak Wilderness)

Soft sunset on James Peak. (September – Nederland)

A pine grosbeak settles under a golden aspen canopy. (September – Crested Butte)

I didn’t chase the fall colors this year, but I didn’t have to. They had no trouble finding me. (September – Crested Butte)

This summer, Jeremy and I began stand up paddle boarding (SUPing) so we could explore alpine lakes and go on fish safaris. Even little Neva learned to ride the SUPs with us, except for the part where she dove off and swam to shore. Still working on that. (October – Gunnison National Forest)

What you see when you hike the mountains in autumn. (October – Gunnison National Forest)

Jeremy gives a tour of the universe for the Chautauqua Community House Space Series lectures. (October – Boulder)

When the snows finally came, we started training Neva to ski tour with us (on leash). She loves skiing even more than hiking! (November – Nederland)

A bluebird ski tour to Lily Lake. (November – Gunnison National Forest)

More powder, please! Riding Corona chair to catch first tracks.(December – Eldora)

Wishing you all the best in the new year!

Jen, Jeremy, and Neva

There’s more over on The 2015 Cutting Room Floor.

past years: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005