
It’s our 10th annual Year in Photos! This digital greeting card has become a wonderful (and greener) way to touch base with all of you each year. The process of poring over photographs from the last 12 months brings back the laughs, the sweat, the tears, and the joy – a nice way to reassess as we ski into 2015. In 2014, we found a few more outdoor activities to pursue, Jeremy enjoyed a 100% success rate on his science proposals, and it was the year we let our sweet Kaweah go. Time moves faster as we try to squeeze another candle onto the birthday cake. Please join us as we take a few moments to look back on the year that was.

Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom and visit previous years listed in the sidebar.

Fresh snowfall while we explore Crested Butte’s vast network of nordic trails. (January)

Aspens on conifers in winter. (February – Crested Butte, Colorado)

A sunlit ridge before the squall moves in. (February – Crested Butte)

Running out of places to put the snow in our front yard (that’s a good thing!!). (February – Crested Butte)

One does not simply walk into Mordor. (March – Crested Butte)

The little town of Crested Butte, dwarfed by a snowy Paradise Divide. (March)

The Grand Traverse, a 40-mile ski mountaineering race from Crested Butte to Aspen (via three mountain passes), starts at midnight at the base of the ski resort. (March)

Total lunar eclipse composite. The start of the eclipse on the left, entering totality (blood moon) on the right. (April – Nederland, Colorado)

Extending the ski season to the backcountry. (April – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

Dry road + deep snow pack = the bike-ski. (May – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

Kaweah’s hind legs were so weak on land, but she managed fairly well in the water. Here, she’s taking a few laps in the Slate River. (June – Crested Butte)

Celebrating Kaweah’s half birthday (15.5 years) with meatballs, steak, and bacon! (June – Nederland)

Colorado’s summer monsoons returned, bringing with them some lightning action. (July – Nederland)

Jeremy and I were told that we would know when it was time to let Kaweah go, but we had our doubts. She did, in fact, let us know. We were by her side on July 10th when she drew her last breath, in the loving care of her favorite veterinarian. Kaweah led a long and happy life full of hikes, treats, swims, sunny naps, friends, snuggy blankets, and squeaky toys. That pup had a huge following across the globe because of a random little food blog. She lived for the moment and considered commands to be requests. Kaweah wasn’t the brightest, but she was definitely the sweetest companion. It was our privilege to love and care for her.

Kaweah lounges in the grass on the summer solstice. (June – Crested Butte)

Hiking and trail running in the mornings to beat the summer heat made for many moose sightings in the mountains! (July – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

A healthy snow pack gifted us brilliant displays of alpine wildflowers. (July – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

On the summit of San Luis Peak – because hiking 14ers (14er = summit over 14,000 feet) is what Coloradoans do! (August – La Garita Wilderness)

Wildflowers adorn the lush hillslopes of the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness high country. (August)

Our friend (Brad!) put it in Jeremy’s head this past spring that running ultra marathons is a lot of fun. Hence, trail running took over our lives this summer. (August – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

We spent our rest days mountain biking or hiking, sometimes unearthing little treasures of the forests. Jeremy shows off three beautiful porcini. (August – undisclosed location)

A glowing stormy sunrise full double rainbow from our deck. (August – Nederland)

Post-Labor Day is a great time to squeeze in a weekend backpack. Drinking in the stunning views from the Four-Pass Loop. (September – Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness)

In-tent selfie: ready for some shut-eye. (September – Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness)

We squoze in another backpack the following weekend. Jeremy scarfs down a cold dinner in camp along the Indian Peaks Marathon Loop. (September – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

Golden sunrise over Whetstone Mountain on the first day of autumn. (September – Crested Butte)

Colorado’s fall colors were exceptional this year. Yellow aspen tops on blue and white skies. (September – Gunnison National Forest)

The setting sun finds a break in the clouds, highlighting red and gold aspen stands below Mount Sneffels. (September – Uncompahgre National Forest)

A bull elk bugles into the mist during the elk rut. (October – Rocky Mountain National Park)

Tail-end of the partial solar eclipse as the sun sets on the Continental Divide. [Photographed through Baader solar film.] (October – Nederland)

Opening day happened to be a powder day at Crested Butte Mountain Resort! (November – Crested Butte)

Mesmerizing sunrise from the mountains overlooking the Great Plains. (December – Nederland)

Happiest of holidays to you and yours!

Jen and Jeremy

There’s more over on The 2014 Cutting Room Floor.

past years: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005