
Our hope is that everyone is well and enjoying the last days of 2013. It has been a big year for us. Jeremy turned 40 and was awarded tenure. I passed my 5 year mark since my cancer treatments ended. Our beloved Kaweah made it to her 15th birthday on frail legs, but with the same enthusiasm for food as ever. This was a year of staying close to home to care for our aging pup and to explore our new digs in Crested Butte, Colorado. We invite you to peruse some of our favorite photos from 2013.

Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom and visit previous years listed in the sidebar.

Getting out to ski in subzero temperatures despite Colorado’s second consecutive year of below average winter snowfall. (January – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

Our neighborhood fox. (February – Nederland, Colorado)

Jeremy takes advantage of fresh snow on our local trails. (February – Nederland)

Kaweah enjoying a sunny walk. (March – Nederland)

Cedar waxwings alight on aspen branches in a spring storm. (April – Nederland)

Jeremy pauses to admire the Colorado high country. (April – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

In May, we closed on a lovely home in one of the most stunning places on the planet: Crested Butte, Colorado. It is a birthday and tenure present for Jeremy, my second office, a base of operations, a slice of paradise.

A series of late spring storm tracks replenished our meager snowpack. Jeremy hikes into the backcountry to get some turns in June. (Indian Peaks Wilderness)

We split our time between Nederland and Crested Butte, exploring the new and savoring the familiar. Mount Crested Butte in late evening. (June)

Riding the aptly named lupine trail. (June – Crested Butte)

Jeremy’s tenure is official! Dinner at Frasca in Boulder, Colorado. (June)

Jeremy hikes the Oh Be Joyful trail at the height of the wildflower season. (July – Crested Butte)

A good year for the wildflowers in the Wildflower Capital of Colorado. (July – Crested Butte)

Larkspur and Mule’s Ears blanket the hillsides in full bloom. (July – Crested Butte)

Penstemon. (July – Crested Butte)

Back in Nederland, foraging for porcini. (July – Indian Peaks Wilderness)

It became clear in July that Kaweah’s health was on a steady, yet slow decline. I began taking more pictures.

Summer’s volatile weather was in full glorious display in Crested Butte. Mammatus clouds billow over Mount Crested Butte after a torrential downpour. (August)

Colorado’s autumn sunsets never fail to impress. (September – Nederland)

Our mountain town of Nederland was mostly unaffected by the massive rains and floods that ravaged other mountain and Front Range communities like the city of Boulder. It all happened just as I was leaving for Crested Butte for the autumn shoot.

The fall colors had an unusually late start, but the aspens looked promising. Aspens and conifers. (October – Crested Butte)

The glow of sunset on the Beckwith Mountains and the largest aspen stand in the world. (October – West Elk Wilderness)

Golden aspens collide with early season snow on Whetstone Mountain. (October – Crested Butte)

The muted colors of winter’s domination over autumn. (October – Crested Butte)

Kaweah soaks up all of the morning warmth on the deck. (October – Nederland)

A little studio session with the pup. (October – Nederland)

We welcomed winter’s early arrival to Crested Butte with open arms. (November)

Celebrating Kaweah’s 15th birthday with much gratitude and beef. (December – Nederland)

Ringing in the winter solstice Colorado-style: a night ski to a yurt for a four-course dinner. (December – Crested Butte)

Wishing you all a joyous holiday season filled with wonder and love!

Jen, Jeremy, and Kaweah

There’s more over on The 2013 Cutting Room Floor.

past years: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005