
What a crazy year! Despite all of the medical challenges, we worked hard to live our lives as normally as possible. It wasn’t always easy, but it was certainly worth it. A good time was had by all (mostly). We even managed some photos along the way.

We rang in the new year properly: on skis.

post-surgery, pre-chemo: shortly after this photo I donated my hair to Locks of Love (photo by Jeremy)

Unwilling to concede the season to chemo, I skied throughout winter and spring when I wasn’t horizontal. It served me and my sanity (and hence, Jeremy’s sanity) well. And no, I didn’t tell my mom…

warming up (photo by Jeremy)

Jeremy free-heeling on a bluebird day

There was much noodling in the kitchen, to the delight of neighbors and friends.
Camera + Food = Food Porn

dark chocolate tartlets topped with almond whipped cream and freshly ground nutmeg

lemon mirror cake on raspberry coulis

By the end of May we bid good riddance to chemo and sad farewell to ski season. But the end of ski season meant the beginning of hiking season. One is never wanting for things to do in Colorado.

a Wilson’s Warbler among the willows, in search of a babe

Lost Lake in June

Kaweah finally got her exercise fetching logs in icy, cold mountain lakes

For the first time since we moved to Colorado, we were in town for the local town fireworks over the Fourth of July. Spectacular!

a bouquet of color over the reservoir

sparklies rise in a rain of light

Daily radiation treatments in Boulder kept us close to home for most of the summer. A good excuse to take advantage of our awesome local mountains.

Jeremy peers across the Continental Divide from above Caribou Pass

a curious marmot checks us out on our way to Blue Lake

Marianne on one of our many hikes together

We always look forward to the diversity and beauty of the wildflower season in the high country. Some of the best displays can be found around Crested Butte, but we enjoy fantastic wildflowers in our local mountains too.

a field of sunflowers at dusk below Ohio Pass (Crested Butte)

delicate crimson columbines near Rustlers Gulch (Crested Butte)

early morning among the lupine west of Kebler Pass (Crested Butte)

lush streams cascade through the forests (Indian Peaks)

Our night-blooming cereus bloomed! Grandma told me it is good luck. Right on!

queen of the night: in all her glory

At the end of my radiation treatments, we flew to California in August for a whirlwind visit with friends, Grandma, and the Sierra Nevada. Our little road trip took us from Los Angeles to the Eastern Sierra to the Bay Area.

awaiting sunrise on the shores of Mono Lake

Jeremy scopes out the view of our destination: the Ritter Range

Banner Peak reflected in Thousand Island Lake as dawn approaches

Not long after we returned from California, I had an emergency appendectomy. Sadly, I was admitted to the ER the night our first of several house guests came to visit. Recovered just enough for the fall shoot by late September, we drove 1000 miles around Southwestern Colorado in two days in search of Colorado gold. The leaves were particularly brilliant this year.

green and gold in Aspen

morning reflections on West Maroon Lake

mature aspen forests outside of Marble

a coveted and rare red aspen in Telluride

After the leaves fell, we waited for the snow to come. And we waited. And waited.

that’s more like it

first day of the season: Happy Telemark Thanksgiving!

après ski, toasting with Sam: to life

We wish you every happiness, good health, and peace for the coming year.

with love,
Jennifer, Jeremy, and of course, Kaweah

past years: 2007, 2006, 2005