
The past year has been full of travel, visits with friends and family, and a few milestones. The camera is always in tow. We hope you will enjoy a small sampling of our photographs from 2007.

The start of 2007 continued to deliver wonderful snow.

shooting rime ice in Boulder Canyon (photo by Jeremy)

Amy and Louie enjoy a winter visit to sunny Colorado

Jeremy and I marked our tenth wedding anniversary in early March and celebrated with a trip (and international astronomy conference) to Australia’s Red Centre. Kaweah celebrated with a stay at Camp Crazy at Jeremy’s folks’ house.

Uluru (Ayer’s Rock), Australia – amazing to behold

Kata Tjuta (the Olgas), Australia at dawn

sunrise over Watarrka (Kings Canyon), Australia

The trip didn’t end with Alice Springs. I spent a few delicious days in Sydney with Kell and Jerad until Jeremy’s conference was done. We then hopped over to New Zealand’s South Island to hike, paddle, backpack, and eat fish and chips!

the view as we ascended Avalanche Peak, New Zealand

kayaking the South Island’s west coast, New Zealand

what is a trip to New Zealand without waterfalls?

In April, we visited ye olde stomping grounds: Caltech. We saw as many of our dear friends (and dined at as many of our favorite restaurants) as was humanly possible in a weekend.

Elisabeth and Carl at the Huntington Gardens, Pasadena

seven year old Kevin, demonstrates how to maximize the fun on his trampoline

Jeremy accompanied me back to Cornell for my PhD defense on May 1. We then zipped to Virginia to see my parents’ new waterfront house. I also enrolled in a 10-week pastry skills program at the Culinary School of the Rockies.

I never had this kind of homework before!

In between turning out pastries, we traipsed to New Mexico to see family, and attended (and photographed) a beautiful celebration of our friends in Seattle.

our best girl, Kaweah

Erin and Caroline at Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle

Jeremy and I spent a week in July with my parents exploring Whistler and Victoria.

Dad and Mom in the Sunken Gardens, Victoria

dahlias grown to perfection at The Butchart Gardens, Victoria

a lush trailside waterfall, Whistler

Garibaldi Lake, Whistler

No matter where our travels take us, it is always wonderful to return home.

our backyard, the Colorado Rockies

international space station and space shuttle rising in tandem from the northeast

the BEST lunar eclipse we’ve ever witnessed and captured (from our deck!)

I made it out to Atlanta for Ben’s 8th birthday in September! Emily is as fearless and hilarious as ever while Ben remains a fun and sweet boy. He looks so much like Kris.

intent on her coloring book

Emily and Ben (Emily discovered she could color herself too)

just before reaching the summit of Mount Audubon on my birthday

golden aspens in Rocky Mountain National Park

below Owl Creek Pass (this shot was featured on the NPR website!)

first light and fresh snow on Colorado’s crown jewel: the Maroon Bells

at home, our snow was late and light arriving in October

ice blossoms on a frozen lake

at last! December and snow

We wish you all peace, happiness, and health for the coming year.

with love,
Jennifer, Jeremy, and Kaweah

past years: 2006, 2005