
Welcome to our 16th annual Year in Photos. What a year.

How are you?

We recognize that while the pandemic has inconvenienced some, it has brought unbearable losses to so many and exacerbated already difficult situations. Our hearts are with you, friends. We want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you who have cared for the sick and the dying, educated others, comforted or looked after someone, volunteered your time and skills, donated money or supplies, fed the hungry, sewed and donated face masks, provided essential services, rescued an animal, supported small businesses, gave more kindness than you received, and tried to be the best human being you could be. Thank you.

We made it through the year. And that is enough. Extra sprinkles: Jeremy was promoted to Full Professor this summer.

Your comments are always welcome at the bottom of the post. Visit previous years’ greetings linked in the sidebar.

When Yuki turned 2 in February, we celebrated with special birthday plates and homemade hats. Here’s the reaction to the hats.

Our pups are bona fide ski dawgs! Skate skijoring with the pack in the frigid cold of the Gunnison Valley. (February – Crested Butte, Colorado)

What better way to expand your sewing skills than making lots of face masks during a pandemic lockdown? The unearthing of the sewing machine also benefited the pups in the form of these long overdue dog bench cushions. (March – Nederland, Colorado)

Greeting the return of the green season. (May – Crested Butte)

Wild mushroom season evaporated in a dismally dry summer, but resilient pockets of wildflowers lit up small corners of the mountains. (July – Colorado)

We hiked less-frequented trails to avoid the surge of visitors this summer. (July – Front Range, Colorado)

Harbinger or not, Comet NEOWISE put up a gorgeous show in the night sky. You can see both the dust (white) and ion (blue) tails of the comet. (July – Crested Butte)

Lake reflection of Comet NEOWISE setting in the northwest. (July – Crested Butte)

Treasuring quiet places to exercise and cool off. (July/August – Gunnison National Forest, Colorado/Crested Butte)

A composite image of the Perseids meteor shower over Whetstone Mountain from our deck. (August – Crested Butte)

Colorado experienced a record-breaking and devastating wildfire season. A sadly common sight: thick smoke plumes choking out the sun and blue skies. (August – Nederland)

The pups pause in a brilliant huckleberry patch as autumn’s colors washed over the mountains. (September – Gunnison National Forest)

Double the gold. (September – Crested Butte)

Leaf peeping under a glowing cathedral of aspens. (September – Gunnsion National Forest)

Soaking up the warmth of autumn. (September – Gunnison National Forest)

Embracing snowy landscapes and fresh air. (November – Crested Butte)

May the new year make us whole. Wishing you all peace, health, and happiness.

with love,

Jen, Jeremy, Neva, and Yuki

Want more? Visit the 2020 Cutting Room Floor!

past years: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005